On The Streets Today

Yes, he looks rather sad and tired, doesn't he? I bet you would be, too, if you had to stand outside the shop the entire day, dealing with hordes of miserable tourists. I feel sorry for him. My day, in contrast, was a lil' better. For the streets of London were bathed today in glorious sunlight, with spirits lifted by the unexpected cancellation of a lecture, with the weather again unseasonably mild, and with the attraction of another Dining In at the hall. The theme this evening was Scottish, and the enigmatic haggis made a loud and dramatic entrance, accompanied by a bagpiper, who proceeded to deliver the Address to a Haggis. For me, I had a nice and tasteless serving of venison.
Today also marks the end of the first month of the year, and therefore, it's a perfectly logical time for a short series of scattered images taken today from around town.

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