Wednesday, August 01, 2007

And Now It's August

I caught the Simpsons Movie today at Leicester Square. I emerged with mixed feelings. It was very funny and enjoyable, and I had also read many reviews lauding it. Yet, I guess I was also slightly disappointed, in that it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Perhaps I went in with inflated expectations, but I felt the plot was rather far-fetched – even for a cartoon – while the depiction of Homer was bordering on caricature – even for Homer.

Ah well…it was nice to catch up later on in the evening with quite a few from the class, when we gathered for drinks at the Marquis of Cornwallis pub on Marchmont Street, right next to the Brunswick Centre. A few are bidding their final farewells to London, intending to complete their dissertations away from the UK. I don't know when I shall next see them.

I'm also well aware that we’re now in August. The clock is ticking. The days are starting to get shorter. The travel bug has been stamped out. The spirit is weak, but the dissertation remains unwritten. And so the lure of the laptop and library awaits. My life this coming month will be, well, slightly more boring…


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