Thursday, May 10, 2007

Since I'm Feeling So Inspired

I’m back my desk, after spending the afternoon away on a nice interlude from studying. We’ve just had a Canadian-themed Dining In at the College, and that accounts for the bison burger churning inside my stomach right now. But given that it was a Goodenough burger, that meant that it was anything but. Still, the roast potatoes and Black Forest cake made up for everything. And added to the Starbucks chai latte I had earlier, I now feel totally stoned, and unable to move….

It was my good fortune to have been out in London running a few errands on a day the heavens decided to pour. It was cold, wet, miserable and blustery. But I got myself a decent hair cut, and also stocked up on provisions of instant noodles and wine. I’ll try not to consume the both of them at the same time though.

The big news today is that Tony Blair has announced his plans to resign the premiership on June 27. It’s a full ten years since he became Prime Minister, and I still recall visiting the UK on holiday in May 1997, just days after he was swept into office. A mood of change was in the air. But all this, of course, has nothing at all to do with my impending exams, but it ain't proper studying if not for frequent diversions to the TV and the Net.

Meanwhile, a colleague from home is currently in town, and we’ve made plans to get together over dinner tomorrow. Will the blog then see another quick restaurant review? Let’s hope I get quite a bit of revision done in the meantime. I’m just looking for excuses – this post included – not to start work so soon.


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