Friday, May 25, 2007

Five Questions From Failure

- Show how the effect of a tariff on imports benefits or harms domestic producers and consumers.

- Explain how applying a user fee to recover the cost of providing a pubic (sic) good such as a bridge, or a road, is inefficient.

- You are trying to deter pollution with abatement cost
A, probability of detection p and a penalty F. Explain how your choice of the variables (p. F) is influenced by potential polluters’ attitudes to risk.

- Give a definition of poverty and explain its advantages and disadvantages.

- The Stern Report proposed a Pigouvian approach to controlling carbon emissions. Explain why may this be better than a Coasian solution to this problem?

So these were the five questions I tackled this morning in my Economics exam. It was a paper I had feared fervently. But did I do well? Well, I guess I should scrape a pass at least. And yes, the second question did specify a “pubic good” such as a bridge or a road. I sure hope the passageway was clean, and that there’s been little traffic.

This was the second of my four papers, with the first – Research Methods – having come earlier on Monday. I feel exhausted, after weeks and weeks in comparative seclusion, completing four essays and now having concluded two exams. Two more papers await me next week – Theories and Actors of the Public Policy Process, and Theories of International Relations. And after that? Two more essays to be finished within two weeks.

Can die man. I’ve done so many exams in this life, and sometimes I wonder why I got myself into this situation again. What’s the point? All these late nights chained to the desk certainly ain’t healthy.

It’s also been interesting comparing my experiences now with what I went through back at NUS and NTU many moons ago. The exam hall setting and atmosphere is just as crappy. I realize as well that the terms like "mugging" and "smoking" are entirely organic to Singapore. I talked about having to mug the night away, and was greeted with looks of incomprehension from some of my classmates.

As for the smoking, it will come in the third and fourth papers. No chance to smoke my way through anything so far, given that the first two papers were quantitative in nature. Meanwhile, a friend from home is in town – unfortunate though the timing is – and I plan to spend some time with her over the weekend, exploring London. I think it promises to be a nice break, especially with cooler weather forecast.


Blogger lucid247 said...

..."swotting", "cramming"...

8:59 AM  

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