Wednesday, October 11, 2006


A certain sort of tedious and tiring drudgery has set in. A sad pattern to the days is emerging. Readings, readings, classes, library, readings, classes, readings and more readings. You get the picture. Very fascinating indeed. The literature load for each course is pretty staggering. I don't think I'm that many years removed from studies, yet I can't remember having to consume more than a hundred pages a day, just to stay up to date with the compulsory readings, much less the optional titles. On occasions, I wonder how those who are not that familiar with English might be faring. I'm sure a few of them must be having an even tougher time.
I don't plan on being just a chao mugger here. That would defeat the purpose of studying in London. I'll need to plan my time well. I've got a few interesting appointments lined up later this week, and I intend to enjoy them fully.
In the meantime, it's back to more readings, alas...


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