Lunch At The Easton

After a pretty long absence, we got together this Sunday afternoon for a most enjoyable and satisfying pub lunch at the Easton. We were blessed once more with gracious weather, good food and great company. Part of the reason for the gathering today was to bid a friendly farewell to the Singapore Doctor, who will soon leave London and resume his highly profitable upstairs and downstairs practice back home. He shall be remembered for things like blue sofas, blue ropes and the striking blue polo shirt of today. He's been fun to have around, having joined us on quite a few trips over the past months, and, with any luck, having also picked up some semblance of a Singlish-speaking ability. Heh.

The Easton lived up to its fine reputation. Today I ordered a serving of pork belly, and was rewarded with a huge and succulent slab, accompanied by some of the best roast potatoes I’ve tasted. After this and the meaty meal the evening before, it’s no wonder I had to go on a long run to the Gherkin later in the afternoon. But for now, it’s time to put thoughts of food away, and focus instead on the looming assignments. How wonderful appetizing. My mouth’s simply watering with eager anticipation.
I beat you to be the first to comment here ;) Good luck to your upstairs and downstairs and in the lady's chamber!
Your virus has infected me!
I got up at 5am & couldnt sleep.
Thanks for the kind wishes & comments.
Enjoy the rest of your stay in London!
... :) DH
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